August 25, 2018

How to protect your blog from hacking

Your blog is one of the most important things in the world to you. It is the way that you communicate with the outside world, share your passions, and potentially even make your income.
There are other people out there who do not feel the same way.
These hackers want to take your blog and use it for profit by either spamming ad-filled posts on your blog or using your subscriber lists for their criminal purposes.
If your blog is taken over by a hacker, not only might you lose your blog, you might lose some of your readership and your reputation. It is worth any inconvenience to make sure this doesn’t happen.

The Basics

What goes for the rest of the internet doesn’t change for your blog. Many of the threats to your computer can affect your blog as well, so you have to maintain a constant vigilance on both fronts. Know these basics and know them well.

Passwords and Usernames

While it may be convenient for you to have a simple password such as “Password123” or something similar, hackers will be able to crack such a password in five minutes on a slow day. You need something better with different types of characters, no words in the dictionary, and enough characters to keep the number of possibilities high (at least 10). Once you commit a good one to memory, you won’t care so much about the hassle, and it will get easier to remember a new one each time you change it.
If you are looking for some examples of what a good password looks like, check out the listed examples below:
  • Typ561Tesert?
  • M0O0Nrare!
  • J0hnsm1TH
  • !Pra531cTiCal
As for your username, this naturally won’t be as well protected, but there are steps you can take. The biggest one is not using “Admin” as your username.
Many different exploits and attacks hackers use will start on the premise that Admin is a username or profile name on the website, so if you’re using it you’ve made their job a lot easier. Other than this, just make sure not to hand your username out to everyone. Keep it as safe as your password.

Security Software

Your computer is linked to your blog, and there is nothing you can do to change that. If your computer is attacked, consider your blog attacked as well. Any cookies or saved passwords on your device could be stolen and used to gain access to your blog.
You need security software on all of your devices, and you need to make sure it is updated consistently. There are both free programs and premium programs available. Some of the better free products include Panda Free Antivirus, AVG Free Antivirus, and Avira. Some of the best premium programs and brands include Norton, McAfee, and Kaspersky Total Security.
Each has their benefits and disadvantages (for example, Kaspersky is the most expensive, but has every feature you could want), and you will have to decide what is in your budget and most compatible with your needs. Consider it an investment in your blog’s survival.

Email Security

Where your blog is concerned, your email security is of equal importance to your general computer security. If a hacker manages to get into your email account, they can pretty easily find your password and/or your username. This is in addition to the many other problems you will have to deal with when your email is hacked (such as potential identity theft).
This is why your email should be the most protected account you have. If you are particularly cautious, you will want to create a separate email for blogging purposes. You can also use it as a separate contact point for readers so you can more easily organize your emails. A second email address is free and easy to start, so there is no disadvantage to setting one up (other than time).
In addition to this, you will want a strong password (see the tips outlined earlier). Your email account might also have other verification options such as a security image or security question you have to answer whenever you login on a new device. Take any and all of these options, and note that you don’t have to share your email with everyone you meet.

Platforms, Tools, and Plugins

A strong webpage is your first line of defense against potential hackers. Hackers aren’t necessarily lazy, but they are opportunistic and will attack the weakest blog they see. If your blog looks dated, it’s security is probably dated, too. Try to think how a predator thinks, and then take measures that will ward them off. Try to do this from a holistic viewpoint, taking into consideration the platform, the base blog, and any plugins you have installed.

Security Tools and Add-ons

Most blogging platforms, WordPress especially among them, have a lot of tools and plugins available to users in order to make your website more secure. Let us take a look at some of the most popular and useful ones:
  • Acunetix WP Security Scan is one of the first plugins you should download for your blog. Once activated, it will scan your blog and design for any potential security holes and then recommend fixes for you. It is continually improving and is a great introduction to WordPress security.
  • WordFence is likely the most popular and well-known of all the plugins for WordPress right now. The plugin scans the coding of your website, then optimizes your security and allegedly makes it up to fifty times faster. It has some of the best blocking features (you can block entire networks), will scan for both common and not-so-common holes and leaks, and has a firewall. There is a premium option that is great, but the free option is more than enough to protect your blog from most threats.
  • Sucuri Security is a plugin from a company that specializes in auditing and internet security. It will incorporate many different blacklist engines onto your blog to protect it, and it has a ton of monitoring features available so you can know every last thing about the security and activity on your site. It is a fantastic all-around security application.
  • Brute Force Login Protection is probably your best bet if you are being targeted with a botnet attack or, as the name suggests, a brute force attack. Since most of these types of attacks are automated, you need a good level of protection that will work automatically for you, and this plugin will block the IP address of a hacker who tries to log in too many times. You can even get an email when this happens so that you are aware of the frequency of attacks on your site.
Whatever security plugins you choose, be sure to research them thoroughly. Many options are either out of date or malware in disguise and will give you a false sense of security. In the worst case scenario, you could even be giving hackers a front door method of attacking your blog. Doing your homework will save you a lot of money in the long run.
Tip from Kevin: Stick to plugins found in the official WordPress directory. You’ll be able to see when a plugin was last updated, whether it’s compatible with the latest version of WordPress, how often its developers answer “support” questions, and the star rating other users have given it. Plus, all the plugins are free. I like free.
A final tip regarding this is to take an hour or so every few months to review any applications you might be using on your blog. If they are outdated, don’t hesitate to replace them. Cybersecurity evolves too quickly to be loyal to something that no longer works.

Use the Latest Version

If you are using WordPress or another hosting service which has multiple versions, make sure you are using the most recent one available. Hackers find a lot more security holes and problems in older versions of blogging platforms, and the hosts most likely do not support them nearly as much as their latest product.
If you can upgrade, do it now. There are a few disadvantages to upgrading after the first month (where they get the bugs out), and you can take advantage of the other features offered.

Protecting Your Blog on the Go

Many bloggers love to travel or work from outside the home, and this is a great thing. It allows for new perspectives and a faster, more consistent rate of production. However, there are many risks while blogging on the go, and you need to be prepared for them with the right knowledge and the right tools.

Public Networks

When it comes to internet security in general, public networks are your worst enemy and a hacker’s best friend. While they are useful to many people who want to browse the internet for free, most people do not know about the inherent lack of security many of them have.
The biggest problem with a public network is that it is really easy for anyone to intercept your data uploaded or downloaded on the network. Think of your computer as a broadcast tower. Anyone with a receiver and the knowledge to use it can pick up the signal. Unfortunately, the receivers aren’t expensive, and they’re pretty easy for even novice hackers to use.
When your data is picked up in this manner, it can easily be used against you. Try to imagine if your passwords and usernames were just broadcast unencrypted for someone to pick up. If you log in without protection, that is what will happen. Heaven forbid you to try online banking or blog-related financial transactions.

Use a VPN

The best way to counter the problems of public networks is to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to defend yourself. What a VPN will do is connect your device via an encrypted connection to another server offsite. This connection can act as a tunnel and will mask your IP address, which will allow you a maximum level of security and privacy. Hackers won’t be able to know anything, even on a public network.
There are many different VPNs out there, and many of them are specialized. Doing some research on the subject will help you find out which to use to ward off hackers on public networks as well as stay private. If you want a decent one, you will have to pay a subscription fee, but it is well worth it compared to the questionable free ones out on the market.
If you travel to other countries or have to access sensitive data, then another important thing about VPNs should be noted. The fact they mask IP addresses and make it appear as if you are browsing in a different country means that you can bypass government censorship if you are in a restrictive country. This is necessary for bloggers who are reporting on risky subjects.

Secure Your Smartphone

If you are traveling or even walking around town, you should make sure your smartphone is on you at all times and you can feel it. There is a huge market for stolen smartphones, and pickpockets love to make profits off of them.
Your smartphone is likely connected to your blog, so if your smartphone gets stolen you need to make changing your password on it one of your first priorities. If a smartphone thief gets a blog to sell in addition to a new phone, you’ll have one more problem on your hands.
If you are worried about traveling with your smartphone, try leaving it in a safe place in the hotel if you don’t think you are going to need it, or place it on your person in a place a pickpocket won’t try to reach. One popular measure is to attach your smartphone to an arm strap that people like to use when working out and then wearing something over it.
Also, try to have some sort of verification measure set up on your phone so that not just anyone can open it. This can take the form of a passcode (that isn’t “1111”), a fingerprint verification, a voice command, or something else. Check to see what options your phone has available and pick the one that fits you and is the most secure.


To review, there are a lot of threats out there, but there is an equal number of defenses. You need to maintain an active and current website, have an adaptable and strong defense for all of your technology, and be even more way when traveling.
The final and best tip is to simply use common sense when using your blog. If something doesn’t look or sound right, don’t get involved. Check out any inconsistencies immediately. Don’t trust anyone.
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a better knowledge of the ways your blog is vulnerable and the ways you can protect yourself from hackers.

August 24, 2018

Get Grammarly premium for free on 2018 (100% Working)

Hello friends, In this post, I'll show you how to get Grammarly premium free. Grammarly is the great tool for correcting the grammar. It is available in both the window Software and browser extension. It helps to students and content writer for correction grammar in their article. English is the one language which is used all over the world. So many of blogger used the English language.
Hence the English is a language to communicate and understand all people worldwide. The Official Grammarly developer divided into two categories one is free and other is premium. To access the premium that helps to improve your writing skill all grammatical errors. Some error is correct punctuation, tenses, passive voice to active voice, etc.
While I find any grammatical mistake in a post, I feel unhappy. To handle this situation I am using proof-reading tools and correct the grammar by manually. So, it takes more time, then I find the Grammarly tool, Which solves all problems.
The premium Grammarly is an advanced grammar correction tool and It help to write a professional style of writing. If you want to use premium account then you need to pay or spend some charges. it is not possible for a student due to their financial problem so they don’t buy a premium tool. I want to help this kind of Grammarly user to access the Grammarly premium account for free.

Get Grammarly premium account for free lifetime
Grammarly premium free account 

What is Grammarly?

Are you sure to write correct English without errors?  For test purpose than Grammarly is a way to correct your writing errors.  It checks the numerous errors in either spelling mistakes or Grammarly error. It also reviews the tenses, verbs subject or anything else. So the Grammarly is the perfect solution and top one grammar correction tool in the world.
This is demonstrated like a human that finds your errors and provides correct solutions. It works anywhere whether the blog post, email, messaging and also find errors in the text file.
If you were using this tool, your writing skill automatically increased. Because this tool run continuously in the background and it indicates the mistake. However, it needs the internet connection.  The free version of Grammarly is correction some errors, but premium version corrects more errors.

A Short Review Of Grammarly Account

Let’s know the how to beginning of this application. This is the World’s best grammar enhancement tool. It launched in the year 2008 by Alex Shevchenko and Max Lytvyn. Not only to check the grammatical errors but also it checks plagiarism. After four years it is progress and set up its San-Francisco headquarters in 2012.

Grammarly Premium Features

Premium Grammarly like a digital English teacher, it is to correct grammar and spelling by detecting more than 250 mistakes. It also takes your grammar to the next level. A unique content or blog post consists of some sentence, grammar, punctuation, etc. These are the central theme of content to make flawless.
  • In the paid version also correct errors as well as show an example of understanding. Sometimes  A beginner’s English writer not know what wrong in his article. This time guide to writing the correct sentence to show some example.
  • In Grammarly free account only correct  150 critical grammar and spelling. However, in premium, you get 250 to more advanced grammar and spelling checks.  Much error is checking so the article should be error free for reader and listener.
  • In the premium version of Grammarly help to add some word repetition.  That is means use the alternative word and make fantastic readability score of your content. It contributes to making your article SEO based.
  • In the premium version of Grammarly add new features that are Plagiarism Checker. Check your content and make it unique. How does it work?  The Grammarly algorithm detected the sentence that posted some else before on any blog. You can quickly change the sentence and generate a unique article.

Grammarly Free vs Premium

The writing tool software is giving you the opportunity to improve your English. It is Correcting your mistake while you are writing. So you don’t need to be worry while writing. Because it will identify mistakes like spelling, tense, punctuation etc.
grammarly free vs premium
They will replace the correct the app is most famous among the students and writers as well as bloggers. This app is giving you the best service. It has two versions. One is free and another one is the premium version.

1) Free version

In the free version, the software is giving you the chance to do spelling mistakes corrections and punctuation check. This free account will be helpful to you also. You can correct your English without paying a single money. It is totally free. You know this free version can give you a chance to correct 150 words in a single touch. So I think this version will be perfect for you.

2) Premium version

This version is not free of cost. It is payable. You can avail it with the subscription. You have to pay for it. You know this version will give you extra benefit than the free version. You will correct 250 words in a touch. It has an advanced vocabulary and conjunction enhancement. So, friends, it can avail the best service from this version.

How to Get Grammarly Premium for Free

Are you interested to use its Premium features? The premium is costly, for a new user; it is not possible to spend money on this type of tool. Don’t worry; I have to Share an idea about six easy method which helps you to get Grammarly Premium subscription for free.

METHOD #1 Grammarly Premium account  and password

  • This is the best and easiest ways to use.
  • You do not need to spend any money to use Grammarly.
  • Just see the below table and get login email and password.
  • Just visit Grammarly official site and log in the email and password which got form below.
Notes – Plz don’t change the email and password. Some email doesn’t work correctly due to many users uses login ID and password.
The above account update on 04/06/2018. you can use it now and it works correctly. Let ‘s enjoy Grammarly account for the lifetime.

METHOD #2 Get Free Grammarly Account Via Using Flikover

if you don’t what is Flikover then I told about this websites. The Flikover is a type of websites which provided SEO tool at cheap rates than the real price. You can find a lot of tool like Semrush, Aherf, Grammarly etc. In this blog, must of the tool is paid but you can get Grammarly premium just spend Rs-150/ only. If you want this then follow the below step.
  • Complete the signup using below button.
 Sign Up Flikover
  •  After complete, sign up you can see the Dashboard Tab. Simply Scroll down and click on Grammarly visit tab.
Get Grammarly Premium Account Via Using Flikover
  • Now, install the Two extensions Flikover 1 and Fikover 2 one you Chrome Browser.
  • Buy the Grammarly product just spend Rs150/- and one-month Grammarly subscription.

METHOD #3 Bugmenut Website Get ID and PASSWORD

For gaining access to the premium account on Grammarly one must have the Login id and Password of someone who previously buys this plan. There are many different websites which allow the user to access some of this user id and password.
how to get grammarly premium account for free
  • Direct Visit Bugmenot.
  • Page open here asking for the website on which you want login and password.
  • account id and passwords on which the premium is activated already.
This website provides many such ids and password for hotstar and another website like Netflix, Amazon Prime and another website where paid subscription is needed.

August 14, 2018

10 Most corrupt politician in India.

According to a report from Fox News point website report, these are the top 10 Most corrupted Politicians in India

Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi served as the vice president of Indian National Congress as he belongs to the Gandhi Nehru Family, son of Rajiv Gandi who was the Prime Minister of India. Rahul Gandhi is although a powerful politician due to his political background but he has done corruption many times during his period of government.
He studied abroad and came to India to give a hand in his family politics, he is so corrupt in his period of government a lot of poor farmers has done suicide and poverty rate increases, at every stage of state structure he earns money through the blood of poor and needy people.
He is among the most corrupt politicians of Indian National Congress.

Suresh Kalmadi

Suresh Kalmadi is a member of biggest party Indian National Congress, senior sport administrative and he was Member of Parliament from Pune till May 2014.
He declares as a corrupt politician when he was chairman of Commonwealth games and president of Indian Olympic in 2010. He has spent more time in jail due to corruption, misbehaves, counterfeit and a long list of other crimes.
He has nothing done for the betterment of people but increases his assets and banks accounts. He has served as a pilot before entering in politics and he is not meant to be a good politician.

Sharad Pawar

Corruption is ended on his end and become the richest politician in India from the state of Maharashtra he is entered in politics in 1967 as a member of undivided Congress party.
He is president of Nationalist Congress party and previously attended as Chief Minister of Maharashtra on three different posts like Minister of defense, Minister of Agriculture in Government of India.
As a minister of agriculture, Sharad Pawar systematically accused of conspiring in the increase in amounts of agriculture products and then farmer suicide rate rise 10000 per year. Sharad Pawar and his family involve major project of corruption and he declares most corrupt politician in India.

Lalu Prasad Yadav

Laloo Prasad Yadav is a famous politician in India, he was the minister of railways in 2009 and before he was the chief minister of Bihar.
The fodder scam is the famous scandal which indicates the name of Laloo Prasad Yadav which embezzlement of about 9.4 billion Indian rupees. The fodder scandal leads the ministry of Laloo to his end, he was arrested by courts orders and put in jail for five years in October 2013.
He is one of the most corrupt politicians among all the Indian politicians. He is famous as a sharp colorful politician but he likes to promote caste-based politics due to this reason hated by the many people.

Digvijay Singh

He is the most corrupt politician in India and earns a lot of money from Indian government through illegal ways and with poor behavior. He is a general secretary of Indian national congress also Member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha, during 1980 TO 1984 he was a Chief Minister Arjun Singh’s cabinet.
Digvijay Singh speaking too much on the issue of corruption these days but he deeply involved in corruption and Jabalpur high court issue order to inquiry against him he is hated by many people. In 2017 he is declared a most corrupt politician in India and he is also responsible for all the blasts of Mumbai.

Andimuthu Raja

Andimuthu Raja is also a corrupt leader he is involved in the 2G scam, 2g spectrum scandal was an Indian telecommunications scam in which government officials and raja undercharged the mobile telephone companies for frequency allocation licenses.
Rajas chose a famous telecommunication company and make a deal of 2.2 billion dollars deal in which he makes almost 35 crores commission, later the favored firm tell CBI that Rajas was the main conspirator in 2G spam.
Rajas also earn a huge turnover in real estate business in which he makes Rs 755 crores in only two years he was the central minister in Chennai in that times in 2004 he is one of the most corrupt politician lists in India.

Madhu Koda

Madhu Koda has served as the Chief Minister of Jharkhand in 2006, he is one of the most corrupt politicians in Indian National Congress he was charged with laundering Money of Rs.4000 crores back in 2010.
A special money laundering court in Delhi has attached Koda’s properties worth 144 crores. He is a very powerful politician and the most corrupt politician as well, Koda is also alleged to have purchased mines in Liberia which is worth 1.7 million dollars, he has booked under the prevention of money laundering act along with his three cabinet members.
His investments are to be spread from Singapore to Thailand to Dubai to Liberia.


Mayawati an Indian politician served as the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh for four times. She is been considered as the idol of corruption in UP and also the goddess of corruption.
It is been said that the companies run by Mayawati and his brother have made 18000 percent profit which is very abnormal profit in just seven years, out of seven years Mayawati served as chief minister of Uttar Pradesh for five years. In fresh Supreme Court has agreed to hear PIL against the former chief minister of UP.
Now CBI is investigating that how it is possible to make such profit in a short period of time. Mayawati became the symbol of corruption in UP.


The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has a staggering 46 corruption cases against her.
Amongst the various scams were the Rs. 70 million coal import scam, Tansi land deal case, a case of disproportionate assets and colour TV case, amongst many others.
A raid in her residence and business establishments reportedly led to the seizure of some 28 kg of jewelry (worth Rs 51 crore), 91 wrist-watches, 41 air-conditioners, 10,500 sarees, 750 pairs of footwear, etc. She along with her former cabinet colleagues and senior bureaucrats who worked with her are still facing investigation with regard to corruption.


Karunanidhi family is an Indian political family M. Karunanidhi has been the chief minister of Tamil Nadu for five terms, Corruption is a very favorite game for this famous political party, the biggest corruption scandal of 2G spam in which Mr.karunanidhi daughter was arrested with the Indian telecom minister Raja, Karunanidhi was also involved in this biggest corruption case in Indian history, Karunanidhi is the emperor of corruption.

He was also blamed for allotting housing board and causing a 7.5 crores loss to a state when he was in power he is among the top corrupt people in the list.

August 7, 2018

Rabindranath Tagore's death anniversary: 5 movies based on Gurudev's works

Rabindranath Tagore

  • Early life
  • Middle years
  • Political views
  • Timeline
  • List of works
  • Nastanirh (1901)
  • Chokher Bali (1902-1903)
  • Noukadubi (1906)
  • Gora (1909)
  • Ghare Baire (1916)
  • Chaturanga (1916)
  • Jogajog (1929)
  • Shesher Kabita (1929)
  • Hungry Stones
  • Kabuliwala
  • List of stories
  • Bhanusimha Thakurer Padabali (1884)
  • Gitanjali (1910)
Poems and songs
  • Rabindra Sangeet
  • Gitabitan
  • "Amar Sonar Bangla"
  • "Birpurush"
  • "Chitto Jetha Bhayshunyo"
  • "Ekla Chalo Re"
  • "Jana Gana Mana"
  • "Vocation"
  • Valmiki-Pratibha (1888)
  • Raja (1910)
  • The Post Office (1912)
  • Chitra (1913)
Dance dramas
  • Rabindra Nritya Natya
  • The Religion of Man
  • The Cult of the Charkha
  • Songs of Kabir
  • Natir Puja (1932 film)
  • Kshudhita Pashan
  • The Essential Tagore
  • Kabuliwala
  • Dak Ghar
  • Charulata
  • Ghare Baire
  • Rabindranath Tagore
  • Teen Kanya
  • Jogajog
  • Stories by Rabindranath Tagore
  • Robi Thakurer Golpo
  • Jorasanko Thakur Bari
  • Santiniketan
  • Shahzadpur
  • Shilaidaha
  • Patisar
  • Rabindra Bharati University
  • Rabindra Sadan
  • Rabindra Tirtha
  • Visva-Bharati University
  • Tagore museums
  • Tagore family
  • Dwarkanath
  • Ramanath
  • Debendranath
  • Adi Brahmo Samaj
  • Rabindra Jayanti
  • The Last Harvest: Paintings of Rabindranath Tagore (exhibition
  • book)
  • Rabindra Chitravali (book)

Here are some movies based on Rabindranath Tagore's work...
1. Kabuliwala (1961)
Based on: 
Kabuliwala (Short Stories)
Kabuliwala (Hindi: काबुलीवाला) is a 1961 Hindi film based on the story Kabuliwala, by the Bengali writer Rabindranath Tagore. It was directed by Hemen Gupta and starred Balraj Sahni, Usha Kiran, Sajjan, Sonu and Baby Farida.
2. Charulata (1964)
Based on:
 Nastanirh (Novel)
Charulata (Bengali: চারুলতা in English also known as The Lonely Wife) is a 1964 Indian Bengali drama film written and directed by Satyajit Ray based upon the novella Nastanirh ("The Broken Nest") by Rabindranath Tagore. It features Soumitra Chatterjee, Madhabi Mukherjee, and Sailen Mukherjee.

3. Uphaar (1971)
Based on: 
Samapti (Short Story)
Uphaar is a 1971 Hindi film. Produced by Tarachand Barjatya for Rajshri Productions, the film stars Jaya Bhaduri, Swarup Dutt, and Kamini Kaushal. The music is by Laxmikant Pyarelal. This film is based on the short story named "Samapti" (The End) by Rabindranath Tagore. The film was selected as the Indian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 45th Academy Awards but was not accepted as a nominee.
4. Lekin (1991)
Based on:
 Kshudhit Pashaan (Short Story)
Lekin is a Hindi drama Mystery film made in 1991, loosely based on the short story Kshudhit Pashaan Hungry Stonesby Rabindranath Tagore, and directed by Hindi lyricist Gulzar. It stars Vinod Khanna, Dimple Kapadia, Amjad Khan, Alok Nath, and Beena Banerjee, and featured a special appearance by Hema Malini.
The film was produced by Indian singer Lata Mangeshkar (Co-Producers: Hridaynath Mangeshkar, Bal Phule), whose rendition of "Yara Seeli Seeli" won the 1991 National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer. The song also won film's lyricist, Gulzar, both the 1991 National Film Award for Best Lyrics and the 1992 Filmfare Best Lyricist Award. The film's music director, Lata's brother Hridaynath Mangeshkar, won the 1991 National Film Award for Best Music Direction. Other awards included the National Film Award for Best Art Direction for Nitish Roy and National Film Award for Best Costume Design for Bhanu Athaiya.
5. Chokher Bali (2013)
Based on:
 Chokher Bali (Novel)
Chokher Bali is a Bengali language drama film based on the novel Chokher Bali by Rabindranath Tagore. It was directed by Rituparno Ghosh in 2003 and stars Aishwarya Rai as Binodini and Raima Sen as Ashalata. Ashalata and Binodini refer to each other as Chokher Bali. The other major characters are played by Prosenjit Chatterjee as Mahendra, Lily Chakravarty as Rajlakshmi, the mother of Mahendra, Tota Roy Chowdhury as Behari, Rajlakshmi's adopted son and Swastika Mukherjee in a cameo role. The film was later dubbed into Hindi and was released internationally in that language.
Chokher Bali won the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Bengali and was nominated for the Golden Leopard(Best Film) award at the Locarno International Film Festival in 2003. The film screened at the 34th International Film Festival of India on 19 October. It was the Official Selection at the Chicago International Film Festival in 2003 and was showcased in over 25 international festivals including the Toronto International Film Festival, London Film Festival, Palm Springs, Karlovy Vary and Washington DC International Film Festival besides winning the Apsara Film Producers' Award for the Best Regional Film 2004. Aishwarya Rai had won the Best Actress award at the Anandalok Awards 2003.