August 14, 2018

10 Most corrupt politician in India.

According to a report from Fox News point website report, these are the top 10 Most corrupted Politicians in India

Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi served as the vice president of Indian National Congress as he belongs to the Gandhi Nehru Family, son of Rajiv Gandi who was the Prime Minister of India. Rahul Gandhi is although a powerful politician due to his political background but he has done corruption many times during his period of government.
He studied abroad and came to India to give a hand in his family politics, he is so corrupt in his period of government a lot of poor farmers has done suicide and poverty rate increases, at every stage of state structure he earns money through the blood of poor and needy people.
He is among the most corrupt politicians of Indian National Congress.

Suresh Kalmadi

Suresh Kalmadi is a member of biggest party Indian National Congress, senior sport administrative and he was Member of Parliament from Pune till May 2014.
He declares as a corrupt politician when he was chairman of Commonwealth games and president of Indian Olympic in 2010. He has spent more time in jail due to corruption, misbehaves, counterfeit and a long list of other crimes.
He has nothing done for the betterment of people but increases his assets and banks accounts. He has served as a pilot before entering in politics and he is not meant to be a good politician.

Sharad Pawar

Corruption is ended on his end and become the richest politician in India from the state of Maharashtra he is entered in politics in 1967 as a member of undivided Congress party.
He is president of Nationalist Congress party and previously attended as Chief Minister of Maharashtra on three different posts like Minister of defense, Minister of Agriculture in Government of India.
As a minister of agriculture, Sharad Pawar systematically accused of conspiring in the increase in amounts of agriculture products and then farmer suicide rate rise 10000 per year. Sharad Pawar and his family involve major project of corruption and he declares most corrupt politician in India.

Lalu Prasad Yadav

Laloo Prasad Yadav is a famous politician in India, he was the minister of railways in 2009 and before he was the chief minister of Bihar.
The fodder scam is the famous scandal which indicates the name of Laloo Prasad Yadav which embezzlement of about 9.4 billion Indian rupees. The fodder scandal leads the ministry of Laloo to his end, he was arrested by courts orders and put in jail for five years in October 2013.
He is one of the most corrupt politicians among all the Indian politicians. He is famous as a sharp colorful politician but he likes to promote caste-based politics due to this reason hated by the many people.

Digvijay Singh

He is the most corrupt politician in India and earns a lot of money from Indian government through illegal ways and with poor behavior. He is a general secretary of Indian national congress also Member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha, during 1980 TO 1984 he was a Chief Minister Arjun Singh’s cabinet.
Digvijay Singh speaking too much on the issue of corruption these days but he deeply involved in corruption and Jabalpur high court issue order to inquiry against him he is hated by many people. In 2017 he is declared a most corrupt politician in India and he is also responsible for all the blasts of Mumbai.

Andimuthu Raja

Andimuthu Raja is also a corrupt leader he is involved in the 2G scam, 2g spectrum scandal was an Indian telecommunications scam in which government officials and raja undercharged the mobile telephone companies for frequency allocation licenses.
Rajas chose a famous telecommunication company and make a deal of 2.2 billion dollars deal in which he makes almost 35 crores commission, later the favored firm tell CBI that Rajas was the main conspirator in 2G spam.
Rajas also earn a huge turnover in real estate business in which he makes Rs 755 crores in only two years he was the central minister in Chennai in that times in 2004 he is one of the most corrupt politician lists in India.

Madhu Koda

Madhu Koda has served as the Chief Minister of Jharkhand in 2006, he is one of the most corrupt politicians in Indian National Congress he was charged with laundering Money of Rs.4000 crores back in 2010.
A special money laundering court in Delhi has attached Koda’s properties worth 144 crores. He is a very powerful politician and the most corrupt politician as well, Koda is also alleged to have purchased mines in Liberia which is worth 1.7 million dollars, he has booked under the prevention of money laundering act along with his three cabinet members.
His investments are to be spread from Singapore to Thailand to Dubai to Liberia.


Mayawati an Indian politician served as the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh for four times. She is been considered as the idol of corruption in UP and also the goddess of corruption.
It is been said that the companies run by Mayawati and his brother have made 18000 percent profit which is very abnormal profit in just seven years, out of seven years Mayawati served as chief minister of Uttar Pradesh for five years. In fresh Supreme Court has agreed to hear PIL against the former chief minister of UP.
Now CBI is investigating that how it is possible to make such profit in a short period of time. Mayawati became the symbol of corruption in UP.


The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has a staggering 46 corruption cases against her.
Amongst the various scams were the Rs. 70 million coal import scam, Tansi land deal case, a case of disproportionate assets and colour TV case, amongst many others.
A raid in her residence and business establishments reportedly led to the seizure of some 28 kg of jewelry (worth Rs 51 crore), 91 wrist-watches, 41 air-conditioners, 10,500 sarees, 750 pairs of footwear, etc. She along with her former cabinet colleagues and senior bureaucrats who worked with her are still facing investigation with regard to corruption.


Karunanidhi family is an Indian political family M. Karunanidhi has been the chief minister of Tamil Nadu for five terms, Corruption is a very favorite game for this famous political party, the biggest corruption scandal of 2G spam in which Mr.karunanidhi daughter was arrested with the Indian telecom minister Raja, Karunanidhi was also involved in this biggest corruption case in Indian history, Karunanidhi is the emperor of corruption.

He was also blamed for allotting housing board and causing a 7.5 crores loss to a state when he was in power he is among the top corrupt people in the list.

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